About Us

Glen made the choice to start his own business after a long career in telecommuncations and networking spanning over 25 years, living and working in Australia, Singapore and the UK. COVIT-19 lockdowns in the UK and Australia lead to Glen taking the time to work on developing technology and services to help simplify the adoption of smart technologies in the home and the office.

Working with people from a broad background of technical skills, age groups and socio-diverse backgrounds, Glen developed and trialled various technologies such as smart LED lighting, media players, home entertainment systems, security systems such as motion sensing and video cameras, outdoor technology and garden manegement. Pushing the limits of creativity and what is possible with the Internet of Things.

Glen’s passion is to make technology simple for everyone regardless of your technical knowledge, compentency or confidence. This passion is the reason Glen started this business, Glen Taylor Technology and hopes through the products and services offered there is a way for everyone to realsise the benefits of smart technology.

Glen has a number of academic qualifications including an Associate Dimploma of Electronic Engineering from Victoria University and a Masters of Business Administration from Swinburne University, Melbourne. More about Glen can be found on LinkedIN (click the icon at the bottom of the page).